Various Articles on watercolor and mixed media painting and how to
emulate this using the PaintingDigitally tools:
The Watercolor Look & Feel(-)
In this article I look at the things that are special to
watercolor painting as well as some of the characteristics that it
shares with other media such as oils and acrylics. I also briefly
explain how these can be emulated digitally. For more in-depth
information have a look at the tutorials.
here to view
The look and feel of watercolors and how to emulate this using the
PaintingDigitally tools.
The basics of watercolor painting using Photoshop(-)
In this article I look at the basic method of painting
watercolors in Photoshop. Watercolor painting is a special case
which presents special challenges because of the transparency and
dilution of the paint. How to achieve transparency, paint flow,
paint mixing on the paper, granulation, edges etc., needs to be
understood. For more in-depth information have a look at the
Click here to view
The basic techniques that you need to understand in order to paint
watercolors using Photoshop.
Mixing colors(-)
Do you think that blue and yellow makes green? If so you will
have problems mixing paint and this article should help. I also
describe a correct color wheel and how to use it to make a good
palette of colors for your painting; and how to mix the paint in
Click here to
How to mix colors (in Photoshop and in traditional painting) to get
the right hues and tones.
How to print your painting so that it is as good as a traditionally painted watercolor.